Sunday, March 23, 2014
Trevally with chilled baked beetroot Jenga and basmati rice salad with dill, mint and lemon.
1 X fillet of trevally
1 X large beetroot
1 X cup of basmati rice
1 X lemon
1 X sprig of fresh dill
1 X teaspoon of dried mint
Juice of half a lemon
Pine nuts (optional)
Normal flour
Salt, pepper
Lightly dust trevally with flour.
Heat olive oil in pan on medium-high flame. Add trevally and cook for 3-4 minutes on one side and 2-3 minutes on the other.
Peel and cut fresh beetroot into wedges 2cm x 2cm x 8cm. Boil in chicken stock for 10-15 minutes until cooked. Remove from water and chill in fridge. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Cook Basmati rice in rice cooker. Remove into bowl. Add dill, mint and lemon. Place in fridge to chill.